6 Landscaping Tips That Are Sure to Add Value to Your Home
Landscaping is like the gift wrap and ribbon to your house — the final touch that makes the place feel like a home. It’s the first thing anyone notices when looking at a house and leaves a lasting impression on onlookers.
Meanwhile, curb appeal is essential in real estate, and landscaping plays a significant role in marking up your home’s overall value. The best part about this? It’s relatively easy, fun to do, and is more affordable compared to other home renovations.
To keep your home in tip-top shape and hopefully sell it for a pretty penny someday, here are some landscaping tips to help leverage your yard for the best payoff.
1. Be Intentional
Having a strategy and being intentional is key to rocking a neat-looking yard. Though it might be tempting to pick up every plant you like, it doesn’t guarantee an appealing lawn. Instead, pick the right type of shrubs, perennials, and grass. Be creative by potting your flowers and place them along pathways or in corners to accent your home and highlight their own beauty.
2. Plan Your Landscaping To Last Year-Round
Different plants have varying seasonal life cycles. Spring blooms look beautiful in the spring, but won’t look attractive to potential buyers during other times of the year. The goal is to make a four-season garden. Consider strategic landscaping that means choosing appropriate plants for your region for each season, for instance, flowering bulbs for spring, annual beds in the summer, brightly colored shrubs in the fall, and evergreens for the winter. Be consistent with your gardening operations.
3. Plant Trees
Trees have this certain charm that transforms a house into eye candy. Not only do they add aesthetic value, but they also provide shade, cool the surroundings, filter air pollution, and can even grow fruit! On top of that, they are relatively cheap to plant while increasing your home’s value by 7 to 19 percent!
It’s highly suggested that you pick a healthy spot of land and start planting trees as soon as possible. Trees might be cheap but they also take about five to seven years to mature. However, you can’t go wrong with all the benefits they offer. If you’re in it for the long run, you’ll be guaranteed priceless returns in the future.
4. Edging
Edging your lawn sounds pretty common, but it’s surprising how often it is overlooked. Giving your property a trim with well-defined edges adds class to its overall appeal. Plus, edging along the driveways and sidewalks shows buyers how meticulous the property is kept leaving the impression that the rest of the house is in tip-top shape too.
5. Strive For A Low-Effort Garden
A garden is a stunning addition to your home that is also fun to work on. However, it can be challenging to maintain too. That’s why you should incorporate time-saving hacks to make the process less demanding. Start with an irrigation system to take away the burden of watering your plants. You can also consider making the majority of your plants ones that are native to your area. These greens naturally resist pests and drought, unlike exotic plants that require meticulous care.

6. Match Your Landscape To Your Home’s Aesthetic
Just like clothes, matching your house to your lawn will surely catch anyone’s attention. Mess it up and you’ll be met with awkwardness and decreased curb appeal. For instance, if you own a Victorian-style home; a modern contemporary garden will likely feel out of place. This mismatch could even lower your home’s value rather than boost it. It would be better to use structures and plants that blend well with the original theme of your house. For example, a garden covered with well-trimmed grass dotted by perennials would look great around a modern house.

Ready to Landscape?
Landscaping is a great way to get your money’s worth, especially if you decide to sell your beloved home someday. Though it may take some planning and work, the reward is definitely worth all the extra effort.