7 Design Ideas for Landscaping Around a Putting Green
When you can’t think of ways to boost your home’s value from the inside, approach it from the outside and consider landscaping. Realtors claim that many homeowners are willing to pay up more for a home with an attractive yard. But like any other process, it can be challenging to get into landscaping at first. Lucky for you, coming across this blog post will be the answer to your prayers. Here are seven designs that are easy to pull off but will definitely make your home even more enchanting.
1. Put Up a Fig Ivy Canopy
To start this list with something magical, go for a canopy made up of fig ivy. This unique landscaping design is great for sun-lovers and those who like to stay cool in the summer heat. It’s also an excellent décor for connecting different sections of your yard. It’s like when you’re transitioning from one paradise to the next. You can also use it to fluff up your front door and provide shade. It doesn’t only impress you but provides a fantastic view for visitors to appreciate as well!
2. Plant Ground Covers
When it comes to landscaping, ground covers are one of the simplest but most effective ideas. Compared to grass lawns, ground covers give a more natural and contemporary look. On top of that, they’re the perfect solution to fit irregular spaces because they’re not as rigid as typical grass. Plus, they’re perfect for those who want to achieve an aesthetically balanced look in their yards without too much effort or expense. See, they don’t require you to use mowers, whippersnappers, and other crazy expensive equipment to maintain them. Just make sure that you’re mindful of the type of ground covers you install, or else they might leech other plants. Some of the best include honeysuckle, vinca, and ivy.

3. Use Separating Hedges
Have you ever seen those beautiful, perfectly arranged hedges that border or separate different sides of a property? They’re like the gates to heaven. What makes this landscaping design interesting is how you can use it to create a dividing line between homes plus act as an accent piece for both houses! Garden designs with hedges are awesome because not only do they provide privacy and protection from prying eyes, but they give off a sense of sophistication and elegance. It’s no wonder why people spend thousands on plants just to achieve something similar!

4. Create a Green Wall
Greens wall is a concept that’s been around for a long time yet is still relevant in today’s age. It is not only stylish and stunning, but it also provides privacy, discourages trespassers, and filters out pollutants from the air. Also known as living walls or vertical gardens, you can achieve a variety of looks from it. You can also use a green wall for your backyard patio to create a nice and cozy outdoor space where you can enjoy some fresh air while sipping on coffee or tea. Can’t go wrong with this one.
5. Grow Plants in Pots
Although this might sound tedious, it’s a design that’s worth the effort. Not only does growing plants in pots make your yard look twice as attractive, but it also gives you more space to work on other upgrades! You can get pots of the same design and color for a modern feel, or you can choose to be abstract about it and get varying shapes. It’s all up to you.

6. Balance the Foliage and Flowers
A balanced garden design works well for homeowners who want to keep the yard simple and clean. It’s also great if you’re someone who values balance, as it allows for an equal distribution of flowers and grasses. Moreover, it’s perfect for those who prefer to be surrounded by nature. Make sure that you have a variety of flowers growing throughout the yard and some tall trees for shade and protection from the sun’s rays. As far as landscaping goes, it is essential that you keep balance in mind – not too ‘foresty’ nor too desert-like and empty.
7. Grow Vines on Trees
Another way to create a magical effect on your lawn is by growing vines on trees. This will create a lush look and feel to your yard while providing shade for you and the family during those hot summer days. You can choose from different types of plants that grow up trees, such as ivy or wisteria if they’re available near where you live. It’s great for achieving that Terabithia look you’ve been eyeing for so long!

Beautifying your lawn can be challenging for the average homeowner. But it doesn’t have to be impossible. Just be sure to keep in mind what you’ve read above, apply it when you’ve got the time, and be diligent in maintaining your lawn. This way, it’ll be worth more than it was before.